Supplying the Demand for a Livable Planet


So much of what we eat on a day to day basis, as well as lumber, rubber, minerals and other commodities, comes from developing countries overseas. We never see the results of harvesting all these natural resources, but  often other nation’s forests are clear-cut and rivers are polluted as the direct result of our overconsumption. Fortunately groups like the Forest Stewardship Council and Rainforest Alliance are making efforts to ensure we use natural resources in the developing world just as responsibly as we would expect here at home.

Dream of a Nation Partner
The Rainforest Alliance
Rainforest AllianceThe Rainforest Alliance works to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior.  They believe that the best way to keep forests standing is by ensuring that it is profitable for businesses and communities to do so. Read more.


Read the Rainforest Alliance essay: "Supplying the Demand for a Livable Planet"
Read the Rainforest Alliance essay

Endnotes & References

They seem to be in line with the rumors and speculations we've heard so far


Rainforest Alliance: Sustainable Agriculture


What Can I Do?

Try to find Rainforest Alliance Certified or Fair Trade products and FSC certificated paper with high recycled content. Visit, for more information.

Why? All these products have huge ecological footprints. If everyone shops smarter while also reducing their use, it will protect forests and other natural resources, which are critical to supporting life on Earth.


What If?

Q.  What if we stopped deforesting the planet?

A.  Deforestation accounts for 15 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions. If we stopped cutting timber unsustainably, it would have the same effect as stopping all cars, trucks, boats, planes, and trains worldwide.