The Book – in hard copy

All Dream of a Nation resources are available open-source and free online. But holding an illustrated book like Dream, with over 450 pages of compelling solutions, stories, graphics, and images, does help the content come alive. Thousands of educators from across the country are using and interacting with the resources and the program is committed to getting the last remaining books in the hands of the right people.

We are offering the hard copy of Dream to educators for FREE (+ shipping). Though if you do consider supporting what we do through a small donation, it will go towards continued lesson plan development, the updating of resources and new programs targeting opportunities for student engagement and youth leadership.

You can order online, or e-mail for classroom set information.



“Dream of a Nation is the most exceptional tool that I have ever encountered for promoting personal, local, national, and global social change through education. A teacher has only to look through the Table of Contents of to discover any number of relevant, solution-based critically important topics that can be instantly connected to a range of courses and subjects.”

- Eben Heasley: Lead Teacher, Evergreen Community Charter School

"High school is not only about learning and mastering the core subjects, it's also about finding a path that will inspire and motivate an individual to be successful and make a difference. The book Dream of a Nation has helped me facilitate these ideals by showcasing some of the greatest issues our world is facing, and how easy it can be to become part of the solution, rather than the problem. I've found this book to be extremely helpful in getting students to realize that writing a research paper doesn't have to be a grueling task about a topic that won't be current in five years, but rather a rewarding project that can help guide the future of tomorrow. I will continue to use this book as an anchor text for students to use when trying to decide how best to create a solution that will benefit the local, state, national, or world citizens."

- Michelle Slagel, Kimberly High School

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 More Information About the Book:

* Praise
* About the Team
* About SEE Innovation
* Contributors