Building a “We” Economy


Chances are if you hear an expert talking about the economy, they are talking about GDP in pure terms. But a truly healthy economy generates more than just cash flow. A “We Economy” values living wages, equitable taxes, and most importantly equal opportunity for all citizens to participate.

United for a Fair Economy
Ensuring Equal Opportunity
United for a Fair Economy raises awareness that concentrated wealth and power undermine the economy, corrupt democracy, deepen the racial divide, and tear communities apart. Read more.


Read the United for a Fair Economy essay: "Building a 'We' Economy"
Read the United for a Fair Economy Essay

Endnotes & References

Without this immunity to the internet, students are likely to fall on the wrong side of the digital divide


The Populist Movement


Be an advocate for Economic Justice.

Read up and share interesting facts and stories with others. Start here.  See our resources section for more sources.

Connect with a local tax fairness organization. You can find some groups already organizing in states across the country. Find an organization near you.

Learn more and sign your name to say you support a fair tax system.


What If?

Q. What if every job paid a living wage?

A. There are 10.4 million working poor in America. A living wage for these individuals would erase a quarter of the 44 million Americans living under the poverty line.

Q. What if taxes on the wealthy were raised back to their historic averages?

A. Between 2001 and 2010 the Bush Administration tax cuts for just the wealthiest 5% of households have contributed to a $980 billion increase in the deficit.